
Chapter Home





Below are resources and related materials of the NSSA Tampa Chapter workshops.

Chess Workshop

This workshop has five parts. All videos can be found here with the number. The button to access the slides changes to match the video.

1: Introduction | Approaching Chess
2: Beginner Tactics, Strategy
3: Intermediate Tactics, Position Evaluation
4: Advanced Tactical Training, Game Theory
5: Mindset, Sportmanship, Creative Chess

Financial Literacy Workshop

The full video can be found here. Access to the powerpoint and spreadsheet used is provided at the below link.

History Workshop

The full video can be found here. Access to the powerpoint used is provided at the below link.

Enlighten Yourself

This workshop has two parts. Both videos can be found here with the number

1: Leadership Speech
2: Entrepreneurship Panel

NorthSouth Public Speaking Workshop

The full video can be found here. Access to the powerpoint used is provided at the below link.

All workshop recordings and materials are property of NSSA and require prior approval (through direct contact) to actions beyond personal use and viewing, including but not limited to dissemination and modification for personal gain.